How to generate more qualified leads for your business

Do you know what problem many business owners have? They are struggling to Generate More Qualified Leads. They often have trouble getting more people interested in their business. There are a few things they can do to try to attract more customers. They can advertise to the people who would be interested in what they’re selling.

They can send emails to businesses that might need their help. They can also use social media and hope that it helps their business. But sometimes these things just keep them busy without really helping their business.

So what’s the solution? It’s not easy. Finding new customers, also called “leads,” is hard. There’s a whole plan involved. First, you have to figure out who your target customers are. Then you have to advertise your brand well and make interesting things for the people you want to sell to.

And the customers are always changing, so you have to keep changing your plan to meet their needs. If you’re a marketer or a business owner, you can’t use old-fashioned ways that don’t work well anymore.

You need to use good, proven techniques to get more customers in today’s digital world, where there’s a lot of competition. And today, I’ll tell you some ways to get more customers so your business can keep growing. But before I talk about that, let’s talk more about how to find new customers in general.

How Lead Generation Works

If you don’t know about lead generation, it’s actually pretty simple. Lead generation means finding new customers for your business. There are two main parts to the process.

First, you want to get people to visit your website or social media pages. You can do this in different ways, like using ads on Google or promoting your hashtags on social media. Once you have people visiting your website, you want to get their contact information, like their email or phone number. That way, you can talk to them and try to turn them into customers.

But here’s the important part: You don’t just want any leads, you want qualified leads. Qualified leads are the ones who are most likely to become paying customers.

Imagine this: You buy 1,000 random leads, but only two of them actually buy something. On the other hand, if you focus on a good marketing campaign and get 20 leads, maybe eight of them will become paying customers.

That’s the difference between regular leads and qualified leads.

There are many ways to Generate More Qualified Leads for your business. What works for one business might not work for another, depending on what you do and what you want to achieve. Here are 11 tips to help you get more leads. We’ll start with something called landing page optimization.

Optimize Well Your Landing Page

Your landing page, also known as a squeeze page, is very important for getting qualified leads. The goal is to make the visitor interested in what you’re offering, so they’re happy to give you their information in exchange for something valuable.

Landing pages work better than most other ads or offers. On average, about 2.35 percent of visitors become leads, but some industries have even higher rates, like more than 10 percent. If your landing page isn’t getting many leads, you should try to improve it as soon as possible.

Here are some tips I recommend:

  • Look at your page’s words: You need great content that is short, interesting, and captures the visitor’s attention. Talk about how your product can benefit the user, not just its features.
  • Test different headlines: Spend a lot of time trying out different headlines and see which one works best. The headline is the first thing people read and it can make a big difference in whether they stay on your page or leave.
  • Add a video: Many people prefer watching a video instead of reading a lot of text. That’s why 76 percent of sales teams believe videos are important for getting more customers.

Lastly, make sure your page doesn’t have any distractions. Keep the layout simple, without a navigation bar or links to other pages on your website. This gives the visitor two options: either close the page or sign up.

Carefully Target Your Ads

As I mentioned before, it’s not worth using your resources on leads who won’t buy your product. You want qualified leads, so you need to carefully choose who you show your ads.

I’ve talked a lot about how to find your target audience and who to aim your ads at. I won’t repeat that here. But I want to say that it’s important to be patient when judging how well your ads are doing.

For example, when you’re improving your ad campaigns, don’t just look at how many people click on the ads and sign up or buy from your website. Those are good things to measure, but what really matters is how many people become long-term customers.

Think about it. One ad campaign might have a really high percentage of people signing up, like 20 percent. But if only a few of them actually buy something, then the ad isn’t really effective. On the other hand, an ad campaign with a lower percentage of sign-ups could actually be better at getting high-quality leads.

Of course, this means you have to wait longer to see the important results. But in the end, it will help you have an ad campaign that reaches the right people and works well. To target your ads effectively, look for keywords that show the person is closer to buying something.

These are words they use when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Build Personalization

If you want to get more leads and make more people buy your product, there’s an easy way to do it: personalization.

Why does personalization work? Well, research shows that when things are personalized, it makes people more likely to buy. A study by McKinsey found that 76 percent of customers are more likely to consider buying from brands that personalize.

And not only that, 78 percent are more likely to tell their friends and family about businesses that personalize, and 78 percent are more likely to buy from them again.

So, how can you personalize your funnels to get more leads?

First, you can personalize your ads. Google makes it pretty easy to do this with something called dynamic ads.

Next, you can personalize your landing page, especially the part where you ask people to do something, like sign up or buy. Research shows that when you personalize this part, you can get 202 percent more people to do what you want.

There are tools like HubSpot and Unbounce that can help you create personalized parts for your landing page. But if you want to do it the traditional way, you can make different versions of your page for each group of ads and change the words to match.

Finally, you can use an email tool that lets you personalize the emails you send. You can address each person by their name, which makes it feel more personal.

So, if you want more leads, try personalizing your ads, landing page, and emails. It can make a big difference!

Don’t Forget to A/B Test Your CTAs

A call-to-action, also known as a CTA, is like a message that tells someone what to do. There are different actions you might want your visitors to take, such as signing up for a newsletter, getting a free product demo, scheduling a call, subscribing to a newsletter, or using a discount code.

CTAs are important because they help bring people into your sales process and get more leads. So it’s really important to have good CTAs. The best CTAs are clear, make you feel something, and are short with strong action words. Sometimes, it helps to have a picture too, depending on who you’re talking to.

Now that we know what makes a good CTA, ask yourself this: Have you ever tested how well your CTAs work? If the answer is “never,” don’t worry because you can fix that right now.

It’s all about something called A/B testing. A/B testing lets you compare different versions of the same thing, like a CTA button, to see which one is better. For example, you might change the words on a button or change a link into a button.

You can use tools like Google Analytics and an A/B testing calculator to see the results. Once you find the best version, you can use it more to get more leads.

Implement UGC on Your Landing Page

User-generated content (UGC) is when regular people create content instead of businesses. UGC can be things like product reviews, videos, pictures, audio, or articles.

UGC is like a treasure for marketing. It’s like getting free advertising because you didn’t have to pay for it. Real people who love your product or service create this content because they want to share it with others. When people see this content, it helps them trust and believe in your brand.

If you want more leads, you can use UGC. If you have good reviews, you can put them on your website to show how great your brand is and encourage people to buy from you.

UGC is also great for social media. You can share videos or pictures of people using your product (with their permission, of course) to make your brand shine.

There are many creative ways to use UGC for your brand, so don’t be afraid to try new things!

Try to Use Multi-Platform Campaigns

Are you using enough platforms to show your landing page and special content to people? You might not be using enough.

When people are deciding to buy something, it usually takes them a while to make up their minds. They might not become customers the first time they visit your website, and most of them probably won’t sign up on your landing page.

One study says it takes at least eight times of seeing something from you to convince someone to buy. But other sources say it could take 50 times or even more, depending on where they are in the buying process.

The easiest way to keep reaching out to people is by using different ways to show your messages on different platforms.

When you advertise on many different platforms, it increases the chances that more people will see and click on your ad. It’s like playing a game where the more shots you take, the more chances you have to win.

Offer a Freebies, Free Trial, or Download

Just because someone visits your website or signs up for your content doesn’t mean they’re ready to buy your product. So how can you know if they’re really interested and make them want to buy it? One way is to offer them a free trial or let them download a sample of the product. This is especially good for e-commerce brands because even just trying a small part of the product can make people want more.

When people try your product for free, it helps them decide if it’s the right fit for them and makes them trust your brand more. But make sure the free trial shows people exactly how your app or software works. If it’s too complicated or if you only let them use a small part of it for free, they might not be convinced to buy it.

Another option is to offer free downloads, like helpful guides. For example, a website called Merchant Maverick gives away a free guide about accounting. When people download it, the website gets their information and can send them more stuff later.

So by offering free trials or downloads, you can find out if people are interested and get their contact information to keep in touch with them.

ChatBots Are Your Best Friend

Your salespeople are not the only ones who can take care of leads. Chatbots can help you with almost every part of the sales process and get more people interested in what you’re selling. They are really good at it too! More than half of the businesses that use chatbots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) get better quality leads.

How can you use chatbots?

First, instead of having long forms on your website, you can use a chatbot. Forms can be confusing and not fun to fill out. Chatbots make it easier for people to give their information. Sometimes, people might not even realize they are filling out a form.

You can also use chatbots to reply to leads really fast. It’s important to respond quickly when you want to get leads. Studies show that calling a lead within five minutes is better than calling in 30 minutes. With chatbots, you can automatically send a message as soon as someone fills out a form.

Lastly, chatbots can help you take care of and understand your leads better. They can ask the same questions as your salespeople to figure out if someone is a good lead or not. Then, you can send the best leads to your sales team, while the others can be added to a list for future follow-up.

An example of a good chatbot is Drift’s chatbot. When someone visits their website, the chatbot asks a question to find out if they are ready to talk to a salesperson. If they are, they get connected right away.

Create a Partnership With Social Media Influencer

These days, there’s a special way to show your product to a lot of people.

You can team up with someone called an influencer, and they can use their popularity to convince their followers to buy your product. For example, influencers can tell people to try a new clothing brand, download an app, get a subscription box, or work with a certain business.

Influencers usually work on social media platforms like Instagram or YouTube. But even in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, you can find influential people like tech experts, analysts, or industry leaders. No matter if you’re selling to regular people or other businesses, influencers can help you get more leads. Here’s how it works:

First, decide what you want to achieve. Do you want people to buy a specific product or download your software? Knowing what you want helps you figure out who would be a good lead for you.

Then, find an influencer to work with. For regular people, you can look for social media or influencer marketing agencies. For businesses, you can talk to experts and ask if they can review your product or have a conversation about it.

Finally, keep track of how well your campaign is doing. If it worked out great, you might want to work with the influencer on a regular basis.

Don’t be Afraid to Host Your Own Training Webinar

A training webinar is when you teach people something online and show them how knowledgeable you are. It’s a chance for you to share your expertise for free and make a good impression on people.

Webinars can be helpful for both businesses and regular people, depending on who you want to reach. For example, if you sell software to small businesses, you can host a webinar to show them how it works. Or if you sell cosmetics to regular people, you can have a webinar about the best ways to use your products.

No matter if you’re selling to businesses or regular people, the steps for using webinars to get more leads are similar.

First, you need to let people know about your webinar. You can talk about it on social media or use websites like LinkedIn to promote it. Next, you should ask people for their email addresses or contact information if they’re interested. This helps you stay in touch with them and gives you potential leads to work with.

You can also encourage people to subscribe to your newsletter or follow you on social media at the same time. Finally, after the webinar, you can invite people to ask questions or schedule another call to keep the conversation going.


To make your business grow, you need to find more people who are interested in what you offer. These people are called leads, and they could become your new customers.

But remember, it’s not just about getting lots of leads. You want to focus on finding the right leads—people who are really interested in what you have to offer. These are called qualified leads, and they are more likely to become your customers.

In this article, we’ve shared some tips to help you get more leads. You can try testing different things to see what works best. You can also make your content better, host webinars to teach people, give away useful things to attract leads, use social media to reach more people, and more.

If one tip doesn’t work, don’t worry. You can try other tips until you find the best way to get qualified leads for your business.

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Riff Design Team
Riff Design Team

Established in 2014, Riff Design has been at the forefront of content creation in the UK. With a passion for storytelling, we've honed our expertise in article writing, brand identity services, social media content, and video production. Our commitment to helping brands connect with their audience through compelling narratives and visuals has made us a trusted partner in the industry.

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