Instagram Post Ideas for Businesses to Increase Engagement in 2023

Do you need help thinking of Instagram posts that match what you want for your business? Want to get more people interested in what you share? In this article, you’ll find Instagram post ideas for businesses to increase engagement, starting today!

1. Provide Customers With Useful Product Information

After teaching your Instagram followers about something important for your business, why not assist them in getting started with your products or services? You can give them advice to help them decide what to buy or show them the very first thing they need to do before using your product or service.

If you’re not sure what your audience wants to know, you can check the frequently asked questions on your website, look at previous comments and direct messages, or ask your audience directly to find out how your business can be of assistance.

2. Show Before and After Product

Does your company’s product or service change how something looks or completely transform how someone looks? Sometimes, just showing the end result by itself doesn’t have enough impact. Instead, comparing the “before” with the “after” can show the difference better.

Sharing pictures that show the “before” and “after” works well for fitness, makeup, and hair-care brands. It’s also a good idea for real estate agents, builders, and interior designers.

You can put the “before” and “after” pictures side by side, but it’s more exciting to reveal them in a carousel post. Make sure to put the “after” picture first so it shows up in your feed and has a better chance of showing up in your followers’ feeds.

3. Arrange a Product to Demonstrate Its Flexibility

From clothes and makeup to furniture and things for your home, showing how to use your products can help people imagine having them. The more they can picture using your products in their everyday lives, the more likely they might want to buy them.

If you have an Instagram Shop, make sure to tag your products in your posts so it’s easy for people to shop. You can make almost any kind of Instagram post shoppable, like pictures, Reels, and Stories.

If you don’t have an Instagram Shop, you can use a special page where people can shop or add a sticker with a link to your story instead.

4. Show Them Your Process and Individuals

Besides seeing the finished product, customers often like seeing how things are made and understanding the whole process. Showing followers what happens behind the scenes is also a good way to build trust and make a stronger connection with your audience.

For example, you can show your followers what a typical day looks like for your team. You could also show them a specific process, like how your most popular product is made or how you package customer orders.

If you want to answer questions and talk to your followers, hosting a live video is a good idea, especially if you plan it ahead of time. Using Reels and Stories is also a good choice for behind-the-scenes content because you can put together many short videos to tell a complete story.

Highlighting the people who work in your business is another great way to show your followers what happens behind the scenes. Introducing your team members can help your followers feel more connected to your company, especially if your staff regularly interacts with customers at your physical store.

5. Pose a Question or Share a Survey to Encourage Participation

Getting people interested and involved is really important on Instagram. When you post things, you want your followers to like, comment, share, or save them. To make your followers want to interact more, you can ask them questions, tell them to message you for more info or encourage them to tag their friends who might also like what you’re posting.

If you want to get people interested in an event or make them excited about something you’re selling, you can use special stickers on Instagram. These stickers let you ask questions or get feedback from your followers.

You can compare things using the poll sticker or give different options with the slider sticker. You can also test your followers with the quiz sticker or let them ask you anything with the questions sticker. It’s a fun way to interact with your audience!

6. Have a Fun Competition or Give Away Something for Free

You can do something special like a contest or giveaway to get more people interested and involved. Just make sure you follow the rules of the platform. Contests are a great way to get new followers and make your current followers excited again.

When you give away something cool, your followers will be more likely to like and talk about your stuff with their friends.

7. Make a Funny Picture or Video Using a Popular Meme

Using funny pictures or videos called memes can help you make your audience laugh and show that you understand them. Memes are a good way to get likes and comments. Instead of sharing any random meme, pick or create one that connects with your audience or your business.

8. Use Carousels When Talking Long Content

On Instagram, you can share information in small and easy-to-understand pieces. First, think about what you want to tell your audience. It could be how you get materials or why a special ingredient in your products is important.

Then, divide your message into short parts that fit on one picture or video frame.

Using carousels on Instagram is great for these kinds of posts. They start with an interesting picture and let you add up to nine more pictures or videos. The Instagram system can show up to two parts of a carousel in your followers’ feeds. This means more people will see your post and have a chance to like and comment on it.

9. Teach Them Tutorials or DIY Content

Would you like to show people more about what your business sells? With a product demo, you can give a really good look at your product and let them see how it works.

You can use Instagram Live to talk to your audience in real-time and show them all the cool things your product can do. When you do a live stream, you can answer questions and give people all the information they need to buy your product.

If you use Instagram Shops, you can even show some products during your Live so people can easily buy them.

Tutorials and how-to content are great for two different types of people. They can help people who might want to buy your product understand how it works, so they’re more likely to buy it. They can also help people who already have your product learn new things and maybe even buy more of your products.

How-to content works well with all the different ways you can share things on Instagram. You can make a post with lots of pictures and explain one step at a time. Or you can make a story with pictures and videos that show how to do something in different parts.

10. Show Your Products in Carousel Post

Putting up pictures of your products is a really good way to show people what your business sells and make sure they remember your brand. One picture can show one product, but if you want to show lots of products, it’s even better to use a post with a bunch of pictures or videos.

11. Always Remind Your Audiences About Your Upcoming Product

If you want to get people really excited and ready to buy something, you can use Instagram to show them cool stuff before it even comes out. Instagram has a special feature called Reminder that can help with that.

You can use it to remind people about new products by adding reminders to your regular posts or scheduled live videos. You can also make countdowns in your stories to build up the excitement.

12. Do You Have an Upcoming Event? If Yes, Promote Them!

Is your company planning to have a special event like a conference, class, party, or gathering? Here are some ideas for telling people about it on Instagram:

  • You can introduce the important people who will be speaking or selling things at the event. You can also do short live videos before the event to get people excited.
  • You can talk about the different topics or sessions that will happen at the event. This can help people imagine what it will be like and get them interested.
  • If you want people to buy tickets early, you can offer a special discount for people who buy them quickly. This can encourage them to get their tickets as soon as possible.
  • To create excitement, you can give away tickets or special experiences related to the event. This can make people really want to go.

You can use Instagram’s Reminder feature to remind people about the event. You can schedule lots of live videos, add reminders to your regular posts, and make countdowns in your stories to get people excited.

13. Ask Your Followers to Create Content and Then Repost it

Do you want your audience to share more than just a quick thought or opinion? You can use a special sticker on Instagram to invite people to add their own stuff to your story. For example, you can ask them to add pictures of your event, show where they found your product, or show how they like to use your newest item.

Another way to get people involved is by using Instagram’s random prompts. You can tap a dice and it will give you a question or something to talk about, like “Show a recent photo” or “Tell us how you’re feeling.”

Instagram is a good place to collect things that people make. It’s also a good place to share those things with other people. When people make things and share them, it can make your business look more real and build good relationships with your fans and customers.

If you want your followers to take pictures and videos about your business, you can put a special word called a hashtag on your Instagram profile. That way, it’s easy to find what people make and give credit to the person who made it.

14. Always Follow the Latest Trend

In 2021, Instagram said that short videos called Reels are really important. They want people to make lots of these videos. If you want to do well with Reels, it’s good to see what other people are doing and make your own videos based on that.

Conclusion on Instagram Post Ideas for Businesses to Increase Engagement

By using these ideas, you can make Instagram posts that get people interested, make more people follow you, and even help you sell things. You can change these post templates to fit different things you want to do or focus on. This can make it easier to create posts and make sure they help your business.

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Riff Design Team

Established in 2014, Riff Design has been at the forefront of content creation in the UK. With a passion for storytelling, we've honed our expertise in article writing, brand identity services, social media content, and video production. Our commitment to helping brands connect with their audience through compelling narratives and visuals has made us a trusted partner in the industry.

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