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Calliope - Wellness Community

Calliope is a wellness community for people seeking personal growth. It offers mindfulness and body awareness practices led by experts. Members learn to increase self-awareness, make better choices, and live more authentically.

About the Project

Riff Design UK was approached by Hummingbird, a leading mindfulness and meditation company, to create an animated explainer video for their new program, Calliope. The project aimed to showcase the program’s benefits in promoting mental well-being and inner peace. Riff Design UK was tasked with producing a 1 minute and 35 second video that adhered to Hummingbird’s branding guidelines while effectively communicating Calliope’s essence.

The team at Riff Design UK embraced the challenge with enthusiasm and dedication. They carefully planned and executed the project, combining artistic talent with Hummingbird’s vision to craft a compelling narrative. Through meticulous attention to detail and efficient collaboration, the team successfully completed the entire project within just one week.

The final product was a visually stunning and informative animated explainer video that perfectly captured the spirit of Calliope. It seamlessly blended creativity with Hummingbird’s branding, delivering a powerful message within the specified timeframe. The video not only met the client’s expectations but also created a lasting impact, inspiring viewers to explore the transformative journey offered by Calliope.

Ready to Stand Out With Captivating Motion Graphics?

At Riff Design UK, we specialize in crafting visually striking animations that grab attention and amplify your message. Whether you’re promoting a product, explaining a concept, or enhancing your social media presence, our expert team is here to create tailored motion graphics that leave a lasting impression. Let’s bring your ideas to life—reach out to us today!

  • Date

    January 2023

  • Client Name

    Hummingbirds Global